Great Arthur House
Location: Golden Lane Estate, London
Architect: John Robertson Architects / Chamberlin, Powell and Bon
Great Arthur House is an iconic Grade II listed building originally designed in 1956 as part of the Golden Lane Estate by Chamberlin Powell and Bon.
The influential post-war development comprises of 17 storeys of flats and offices, sitting in close proximty to the Barbican Estate. The reinforced concrete construction has pick-hammered detailings, with the main East and West elevations clad in the distinctive golden yellow opaque.
In 2013 the City of London Corporation commissioned John Robertson Architects to improve the look and comfort of the flats by updating the deteriorating windows. Later, an additional request was put in to consider the fire performance of the facade in light of the Grenfell tragedy.
The project involved extensive consultation with the tenants, Historic England, The 20th Century Society and the City Planners.